> the idea

Beyond the Blue: Seeking the Mediterranean soul

The Mediterranean spirit has often been discussed and romanticised. Yet it it has not been precisely defined.

Albert Camus, himself an Algerian Frenchman, philosophised extensively on this Mediterranean spirit, attempting to grasp its elusive nature. Aspects such as tolerance, exchange, multiculturalism and trade all play a role.

For me, the Mediterranean spirit is like a blend.
A blend of light, history, the smell of salt and the taste of lemons.
It resides in the ancient ruins, in the narrow alleys of coastal towns.

And above all, it is present when one simply lies on the deck of a boat, listening to the whisper of the waves. 

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Seafaring has always been the driving and unifying element: It propelled the trade of goods and money, and with it, the flow of ideas, religions, and cultures.

But what about today? The affluent North, the sometimes deeply impoverished South. What still unites these countries? And what divides them?

I seek to find out.
By boat.

The soul of the Mediterranean.
The smallest ocean.

And perhaps a photo book will emerge from this journey. Or a film.
Maybe both.

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